Puzzle it Out: The Closing

Follow along in your Skills Book, CNA Skills Study Guide 4th Edition Page 22-23.

Puzzle it Out: The Closing

a 4YourCNA Lesson

If every skill STARTS the same way, then every skill must END the same way…and we call that the “Closing”. Watch the video below to learn all of the steps of the closing and watch how it should be performed.

Press the “Play” button to play the video.

the closing

Did you get it?

Most of the closing order does not matter…except for the last 2 steps. So, in this activity, you aren’t going to put steps in order, you simply want to click on each of the required steps on this one picture. For instance, click on the curtain for open privacy curtain. There are 7 steps…Can you get them all?

Self-Assessment Quiz

Let’s see if you learned the important points of this lesson! No pressure! If you don’t score well, review the material and try again!

There are 7 actions to the closing in a patient environment. Each one is represented somewhere in this picture. Click on each one to select it (for example, click on the speech bubble to ask about comfort).
